Welcome to the world of El Zorro, a melting pot of all Cuban music. Unfortunately some people wil still link the name of El Zorro to that of Sergeant Garcia, but no, El Zorro is now this:

Vidéo El Zorro watch it

El Zorro is the coming together of two men, of two musicians, of two continents which beat to the same rhythms, the rhythms of music and of Cuba; one was born into it (Gustavo), the other fell into it (Martin), but they sum it up so well "Somos Hermanos" (we are brothers).

El Zorro is also and most importantly the mainstay and the founder of the band, the stagename of Martin Richar Lenher: pianist, trombone player, compositor, producer. Born in Switzerland, he studied jazz in addition to the trombone at Winterthur academy of music. From 1989 on, he taught the trombone and musical theory at both the jazz school and the university in Zurich, while becoming head of the jazz department at the "Zurich Conservatory Classical and Jazz".

At the same time he develops a passion for Cuban music, while already playing in different bands. But after a journey to Cuba in 1995 to find out more, he decides to change and comes back with the fantastic idea of forming "El Zorro".

This could not have taken from without one man: Gustavo Carlos Duran Anaya "El Buda". He studied music in Santiago de Cuba and in Havana. He played the trombone first of all with the Orquesta Sinfonica del Oriente and then later with other bands, Los Tainos, Los Kinin, Chan Chan as well as with the mythic Sur Caribe and Elio Reve y su Charangon.

The "El Zorro" band was born out of the friendship of these two men. Immediately they came up with the winning idea of mixing together Martin Richar Lehnerís compositions, their music and their know-how, with the greatest voices of Cuba.

Indeed, the incomparable Mayito Rivera, musician but also singer with one of the most important Cuban bands "Los Van Van", was present on almost every album. He performed amongst others "Volando", "Te Fuiste", "Somos Hermanos", "Frio Frio", "Cuarenta y seis", "Llego, Llego".

As for Angel Bonne, he took an equal part in things. Musician, saxophone player, singer, he joined the "Van Van", he participated in other projects with Pupy or Sur Caribe and joined the team of El Zorro. He sang "Para", "Te doy me mano, "El Fenomeno", "El Sapo", "Mi Tierra", "La Rumba Te Llama"

Other famous singers joined them. There was Roberto Pulido Gonzales (Charanga Forever) with "Ay, Como Me Sube", Osdalgia (Bamboleo) with "El Zorro", "Lloro", Nelson Manuel with "Relajate", "Maria", but also Evelio Jaz Ramos on the album "Somos Hermanos". Surrounded by all these talented musicians, they introduced us to their world.

Indeed they carry us to the shores of Cuba, to Havana and throughout the whole country on their friendship to the sounds of the Timba, the Cha Cha Cha, the Son, the Boléro, the Salsa, the Danzon, the Guaguanco and the Rumba.

The lyrics, coverning a great variety of subjects, are chiefly written by Martin Richard Lehner. Althougt the band is of Cuban/ Swiss origin, Cuba is omnipresent in all its complexity, as in its poverty, its despair, its delinquance ("Oh La Habana") as well as in its joy and its friendship ("Somos Hermanos", "El Zorro", "Te Doy me mano"), and also in its love and its religion.

He evokes the joy of living there, the rum, the sunshine, love, the rumba, friendship, life and its difficulties. He invokes the gods of the Yoruba religion: among others, Elegua (the god of the pathways; patron saint of crossroads and keeper of the doors) and Orula (prophet and keeper of all knowledge).

Their music is not only reminiscent of Timba, it unites but it is also eclectic. The Cha Cha Cha ("Mi Tierra") flirts with the Bolero ("Te Lo Juro") and the Timba ("Frio Frio") as well as with the salsa romantica ("Sobrenatural").

A certain evolution is discernible since their first album "La Vida Entera" right up to their last "Ay, Como Me Sube". Even though influenced without doubt by classical and well-known Cuban bands, they have managed to create their own individual style of music and rhythm, the distinctive sound of "El Zorro".

An exceptional band has been formed through the merging of their diffferent personalities, this is what makes them different, rich and always complementary.

Myriam: The first question that comes to mind is why the stagename "El Zorro"?

Martin: When I traveled the second time to Cuba, I had some original compositions in my luggage. The idea was to present Gustavo and other cuban musicians my new compositions. I was very curios about here opinions. A lot of this cuban musicians couldnít believe that a Swiss guy, like me, wrote this tunes. So they call me "zorro" (fox), what is mining, that I am a smart, intelligent and clever boy. From this I earned my proper cuban nickname "el zorro", and I decide to use this name for this swiss/cuban joint venture project.

Myriam: Where does your interest in Cuban music stem from?

Martin: During my studies in music I started to play Latin and Salsa music. And of course sooner or later I discovered the richness in the Cuban music. The Cuban Salsa (called Timba) is full of the Cuban music culture like, Danzon, Son, Guaguanco (cuban rumba), Santeria (religious rhythms). Mixed with new elements of music stiles like, Jazz, Funk, Rock, Pop and Hip Hop. This mix makes the Timba very complex and interesting. I never saw a country with such a high level of understanding in complex music like Cuba. From a baby to a grandma the whole country is dancing to Timba, and Timba (believe me as a musician) is really not a simple piece of music.

Myriam: Which Cuban bands have most influenced you or are still influencing you?

Martin: In the beginning it was the wonderful band Los Van Van, later the creasy timba-bands La Charanga Habanera and Manolin "El Medico De La Salsa". Also Paulito F.G. but not only because of the singer Paulito, because of the just two of the greatest arrangers in the cuban music; Juan Manuel Ceruto and Joaquín Betancourt. Finaly I like also Issac Delgado, Manolito, Bamboleo and Maravillas De Florida. At the moment I am not really influenced by a cuban band, but I became a big fan of the band "Guaco" from Venezuela.

Myriam : Even if we already know quite a lot about your background, tell us about your first meeting with Gustavo Carlos Duran Anaya "El Buda".

Martin: First time when I traveled for 4 weeks to Cuba, I was 2 weeks in Santiago. Every morning I had there some lessons in playing percussion. To not loose my jobs on my trombone (stay in a good condition) practice also on my trombone. And the place was on a terrace. So everybody could here my playing in the neighborhood. 3. morning a cuban trombone player Frankis passed the street to check out, who the hell is playing here. Later Frankis introduced me Gustavo. Both of them Frankis and Gustavo were playing in the symphonic orchestra from Santiago. I spent some nice and interesting times together with Gustavo, and so we became friends.

Myriam : How did you decide to form a band? And to invite famous singers like Mayito Rivera and Angel Bonne?

Martin: Since 8 years I have a swiss edition from El Zorro. Itís means, I am playing with swiss and cuban musicians (living in Switzerland) mostly here in Switzerland. Last november 2009 the festival "Aqui Cuba" made me a very kind offer to play at your festival and to invite a guest star Angel Bonne. We had a lot of fun to play some concerts with Angel, and we had big success, so we decide to organize some concerts more in july next year 2010. We will play in Switzerland, Poland, Italy and maybe in France again. We will see what the future brings.

Myriam: Where do you find your inspiration for your lyrics? Do you have a preference for certain themes?

Martin: This is a good questions. I don't really know it. Sometimes I heard somewhere a text phrase from a song and later I am thinking, oh this could be a nice theme also for a new song. An other story is, I was watching the news on tv, and I saw people fighting because of religions. After that for me it was clear to write a song against this madness. So the song "Para!" originated. Most popular is the theme about love in my songs. The relationship between a man and a woman is still important in everybodyís life.

Myriam: what do you think differentiates your music from the rest?

Martin: The difference comes from my background. I grow up with all kind of music playing by the radio stations. Switzerland hasnít really his own music. Okay some yodeling, but in serious forget this. Switzerland isnít an ethic origin. We are formed from different nations. So, I like to say, that I am not detained in tight corset of special type of music. Most of cuban composers are thinking first in the groove (rhythmical aspect) and secondly about melody and harmony. Think about this, how many world hits had Cuba in the past? Okay you will remember a hand full. Make the same thing with brazilian music, and you will get a lot more favorite melodies. I like to explain, that cubans are very strong in rhythms but not really in melodies. When I am composing music, I am thinking differnent in groove, harmonies and melody at the same time, and maybe this gives me some different results like other cuban bands.

Myriam: How is "El Zorro" perceived in Switzerland?

Martin: Very, very bad. Unfortunately a "prophet" has no honour in his own country. I have a lot more success in Italy, Spain, France and Germany.

Myriam: Will you be going on tour in Europe? Martin: Yes I am now in the organization about some concerts in July 2010 again with Angel Bonne. We will play in Switzerland, Poland, Italy and maybe in France again.

Myriam: Is there a fifth CD in preparation and if so, will there be any surprises?

Martin: Yes there is a 5. CD in preparation, and there will be a bunch of surprises. I'm hoping, that the production will be finished in next summer 2010. I'm sure, that some listener will love the music and some others donít like it. How can I know that? I know it, because all of the changes in the music they will be in the next CD. Exactly like you wrote in the biography, every new CD is a new step in a new direction. Music must live and music has to change, has to develop, if not, it will be dead.

Myriam: Finally, would you like to pass on a message to your followers in France?

Martin: Not really a message, but saying thank you all for listening my music (and of course saying thank you to download it legal on an internet portal or to buy CDs on a shop).

from Myriam, Salsa Timba France

These projects by El Zorro - actually Martin Richard Lehner, a Swiss trombonist and arranger - which bring together a who's who of Cuban music, haven't always been consistent, but Ay, Como Me Sube works just fine, riding on the talents of, get this, Angel Bonne, Mayito Rivera, and Roberto Pulido Gonzales and a fine Cuban band. They all cruise through the vague world defined by the boundaries of timba and salsa and funk and a pan-Caribbean sensibility. The singing's fine, and it's great to hear Angel Bonne with real clarity on "El Fenomeno," with tricky guitar figures backing him up; we don't get to hear him on his own recordings enough. The arrangements, by Lehner, rock hard, keep things going. Party music, Cuban style.

Highly Recommended.Peter Watrous

Eigentlich sollte ich mich ein bisschen schämen. Da erobert ein Eidgenosse mit seinen Kompositionen und seinem Spiel Cuba und wir stellen sein neuestes Werk erst ein halbes Jahr später vor. Zu meiner Verteidigung möchte ich sagen, dass sie zuerst bei Valdez vergriffen war, dann fand ich sie auch nicht im Paket das aus NY eingetroffen war und danach gehen mir die Ausreden aus...

Das Album ist auch ein halbes Jahr später immer noch ein Leckerbissen, für Musik gibt es zum Glück kein Ablaufdatum und so viel vorweg, für mich ist es das beste Album von El Zorro! Wie schon im letzten Album Volando hören wir auch in den neuen Aufnahmen die drei Leadsänger Angel Bonne, Mayito Rivera und Roberto Pulido. Ihrem Markenzeichen, der Verschmelzung der verschiedenen Musikrichtungen, bleiben sie auch auf dieser CD treu. Und doch unterscheidet es sich gerade in diesem Punkt von den Vorgängern. Sie haben die Verschmelzungen aufs Wesentliche reduziert und dadurch wirkt die CD reifer und gesetzter.

"Cuarenta Y Seis" eröffnet die kubanisch-schweizerische Freundschaft. Wer jetzt einen Timba-Kracher erwartet wird sich im ersten Moment über das Gehörte wundern. Der Titel wird vom Chor und den Bläser eröffnet und diese spielen ein lüpfiges Intro, bevor der erdige Boden ausgelegt wird. Doch der Chor und die Band behalten im Refrain dieses lüpfige Element bei. Irgendwie trägt der Titel etwas Schweizerisches in sich und dies macht ihn Sympathisch.

Im darauf folgenden Stück "El Fenomeno" spielen sie gross auf. Die Band spielt einen rollenden, erdigen Timba an, der die Tänzer packt und nicht mehr los lässt. Dazu wird das Stück von Beginn weg von einem funkigen Bass begleitet, der diesem Lied das i-Pünktchen aufsetzt. Ein ganz starker Titel!

Weiter fahren sie mit dem Bolero "Sabes Que" fort, bei dem sich Mayito Rivera auszeichnet. Auch der Timba Merengue "El Sapo" ist nicht zu verachten und der Cha-Cha-Cha "Mi Tierra" spielen sie frisch und knackig. Gefällt mir sehr gut. Danach finden sie in "Ay, Como Me Sube" zum Timba zurück und das mit einem Klasse E-Gitarren Solo. Mit einem längeren Rumba Intro startet der erdigste Timba auf dem Album. "La Rumba Te Llama" ist ein Klasse Titel, das Highlight auf der CD ist für mich jedoch "Yo Le Canto A La Amistad". Das Stück hat gewisse Extras um die Tanzfläche zu rocken. Ein genialer Tanztitel.

Wie schon erwähnt ist "Ay, Como Me Sube" für mich das beste Album von El Zorro. Sie haben ihren Stil gefunden und diesen perfektioniert. Die funkigen Bassläufe und Gittarensolis sind eins mit dem Timba, ebenso fügen sich die lüpfigen Elemente im Startsong nahtlos in ihre Musik ein.

"El Zorro" lässt die Peitsche knallen!

Sehr zu empfehlen

DJ Salsani:

A new CD came in my mailbox last week: "Ay como sube" from Martin Lehner ñ he is the founder of "El Zorro", a super salsa band with roots all the way from Cuba to Switzerland... Martin lives in Switzerland and received an MA in music from the Swiss Jazz School Bern in 1988, and also educated as a trombone player at the Conservatory of Winterthur, Switzerland in 1988 through 1990, and ñ not to forget ñ has studied Cuban music in Havana from 1996 ñ 2002... That sure makes up for a solid musical base. He played in a number of bands/ big bands, is a composer, an arranger, and a songwriter and probably most importantly, he is a trombone player. El Zorro already released three CDs La Vida Entera (2002), Somos Hermanos (2005), Volando (2006), also available on iTunes. The latter was also reviewed on our site by Estilo. I personally have a soft spot for Somos Hermanos, and the title track is still played a lot at times ñ whenever I do, some dancer comes over and tells me: Thatís a damn good song ñ who is it? That has to be the main tribute to Martin, but then again, it IS an Evergreen. Anyway, I am not supposed to be reviewing the old CD again now, but the newest one, Ay como me sube ñ What a title - and yes, one must admit it does ñ it really does turn you on. Martin invited Mayito, Angel Bonne, and Roberto Pulido Gonzales back in the studio once again ñ which only upgrades the CD further. The musical mix of the CD is nice ñ it has cool timba songs and ballads which combine to a CD that can be left in the CD player all day without tiring you of its "sound" ñ I especially enjoy hearing Mayitoís voice clearly on Sabes Que, without too much extraneous sound, but with a soft backing group and the trombones so characteristic to El Zorro, this track is not well suited for the salsateca, but never mind, itís a winner here on my home stereo.

In terms of genres, the CD ranges from a club mix of Ay, como me sube through pop to the grooviest merentimba track, with a lot of action. Presently, my favourite is definitely El Fenomeno and Cuaranta Y Seis. 2 excellent timba tracks with funky beats to them.

Itís very good produced and arranged CD. I would like to have had a track with Yeisel Gonzales Santana singing lead vocal. It sounds like she could sing most people to their knees. But a very nice touch to have a female backing singer. We donít hear that too often. Perhaps a solo might find its way onto El Zorroís next CD, which I am 100% certain will come out later. Martin needs to express himself, and all the rest of us get to enjoy it (maybe you, Martin, should get in touch with Vitaly Osmachko ñ damn, the two of you might bring out something very exceptional together ñ unless the proverb about ìtoo many chefsÖî is also valid in this context. But when it works in Cuba, the thing about everybody helping out and contributing here and there and everywhere. Then why not here, you DO live rather close to each other, after all - I would be very eager to set up a playtime date for the two of you)

Martin, thank you for the CD. I look forward to experiencing you live one day. Perhaps your path bring you by Denmark one day..


Martin Richard Lehner "El Zorro" - Ay, Como Me Sube: Featuring Angel Bonne, Mayito Rivera & Roberto Pulido. The project EL ZORRO, was born on 1995 when the swiss guy Martin Richard Lehner travel to Cuba and met Gustavo ìEl Budaî (trombone player). Thanks to the same musical interests of two of them, soon started a friendship which would be the origin of EL ZORRO. On 2002 raise up the idea about a recording with the best Cuban musicians, but it was on 2003 when the first EL ZORRO album was released. It was on 2007 when EL ZORRO released his first album under Envidia Label with the title ìVolandoî. Now it comes their new work entitled ìAy, como me subeî having as a part of it great artists such as Angel Bonne (Van Van, Pupy), Mayito Rivera (Los Van Van), Roberto Pulido (Charanga Forever). ....

A production fulfilled with fusions of Cuban music with some funky glances within the contemporary rhythms. EXCELENT.

Revista Salseros:

La banda liderada por el trombonista, compositor y arreglista Martin Richard Lehner "El Zorro" y el director musical y gran músico cubano Gustavo Durán Ayala "El Buda", es la máxima representación de la timba cubana de hoy. Excelentes arreglos, sonido potente y el inconfundible sabor timbero fusionado con funk, bolero, guaguancó, chachachá y merentimba. Tras el éxito de sus álbumes ìLa vida enteraî, ìSomos hermanosî y ìVolandoî, el disco ìAy, como me subeî se presenta como una gran opción para el bailador y para los amantes de la música cubana de calidad..


El Zorro è, come lui stesso lo definisce, líadeguato soprannome cubano di Martin Richard Lehner, un compositore, arrangiatore e trombonista svizzero che ha studiato musica presso la ëSwiss Jazz Schoolí di Berna (1998), successivamente, sempre in Svizzera, presso il Conservatorio di Winterthur (1988-1990), per poi formarsi definitivamente, dopo il primo viaggio a Cuba nel 1995, presso la Scuola di Musica di líAvana (1996 ñ 2002). Proprio nel 1995, durante il suo primo viaggio, Martin Richard Lehner incontra, a Santiago de Cuba, Gustavo Duran Anaya, trombonista dellíOrchestra Sinfonica Orientale, il quale inizia ad insegnargli a suonare con uno stile ëcubanoí. Da quel momento, ogni anno Martin trascorre molto tempo a Cuba con Gustavo, il quale gli fa apprendere tutti i segreti della composizione della musica dellíisola, fino al punto di trovare il soprannome che ora lo contraddistingue. Quando, nellíaprile del 2002, Martin, arrivando a Cuba, mostra a Gustavo alcune composizioni da lui create, questi immediatamente comprende che è giunto il momento di realizzare il primo progetto di ëEl Zorroí. Eí la ëBembé Recordsí, piccola ma raffinata casa produttrice svizzera, che promuove il primo album, uscito nellíottobre del 2003 ed intitolato ëLa Vida Enteraí. Con la seconda produzione, uscita nellíautunno del 2005, intitolata ëSomos Hermanosí El Zorro vuole fare una dedica a chi, come Gustavo, ha creduto nelle sue capacità. La consacrazione avviene con la terza produzione ëVolandoí, uscita con líetichetta più importante quale líEnvidia e con la partecipazione di vocalisti di primo piano quali Mario ëMayitoí Rivera (Van Van) e Osdalgia. Eí di un anno fa circa la quarta produzione ëAy, Como Me Subeí, un mix di ritmi, sulla base principale della timba, di gran qualità. El Zorro sta lasciando il segno.

a cura di: Andrea ëil geometra della salsaí Andrea ëil geometra della salsaí.

"El Zorro", czyli Martin Lichard Lehner, to szwajcarski kompozytor i puzonista, za?o?yciel grupy EL ZORRO. Mia? przyjemno?? gra? muzyk? salsow? z ró?nymi zespo?ami (jak Alberto Y Su Sarabanda, Moropo Niche i Havanaclub) zanim ostatecznie postawi? swoj? nog? na Kubie i us?ysza? to "co?". Jeszcze sam nie wiedzia? jak wielk? warto?? b?dzie mia?o dla niego to do?wiadczenie. W 1995 roku odwiedzi? Kub? po raz pierwszy. Zda? sobi? spraw? z tego, ?e to co gra? dotychczas by?o md?? wersj? prawdziwej kuba?sko?ci. W Santiago de Cuba pozna? Gustavo (przydomek "El Buda" - obecnie dyrektor muzyczny i tr?bacz zespo?u EL ZORRO), tr?bacza Orchestra Sinfonica del Oriente, który by? uprzejmy przygotowa? go do kilku jam sessions. Od tamtej pory Martin powraca co roku na Kub?, aby uczy? si? muzyki od najlepszych wykonawców na wyspie. Oprócz tego, ?e nauczy? si? gra? i zapisywa? kuba?sk? muzyk?, równie? nada? sobie odpowiedni kuba?ski przydomek "El Zorro" (czyli "lis").

W mi?dzyczasie Gustavo przeprowadzi? si? z Santiago do Hawany, gdzie gra? z takimi zespo?ami jak Los Tainos, Los Kinin, Chan Chan czy Elio Reve y su Charangon. Kiedy Martin spotka? si? z nim znów w kwietniu 2002 roku, pokaza? mu swoj? najnowsz? kompozycj?. Ku wielkiemu zdziwieniu Martina, Gustavo by? przekonany o tym, ?e ta piosenka b?dzie prawdziwym przebojem na Kubie. Zasugerowa? nagranie jej wraz z kuba?skimi muzykami. Gustavo zaanga?owa? muzyków i stworzy? warunki do pracy nad projektem. Martin by? zaj?ty organizacj? strony finansowej. W listopadzie 2002 roku wybra? si? na Kub? w celu otrzymania ostatecznych nagra?. Po powrocie do Szwajcarii, Martin zaj?? si? szlifowaniem projektu, który pod koniec lutego 2003 roku dzier?y? w d?oni w postaci p?yty CD. Jest niezwykle szcz??liwy wspominaj?c te chwile, jak równie? to, ?e Bembe Records zgodzi?o si? wypu?ci? na rynek album "La Vida Entera" w pa?dzierniku 2003 roku.

Inne albumy zespo?u to: "Somos Hermanos" (2005), "Volando" (2006), "Ay Como Me Sube" (2007).

Mnie osobi?cie zachwyci?a wszechstronno?? zespo?u. Jego utwory ju? na spisach piosenek albumów maj? swoje okre?lenia gatunkowe: timba, funkytimba, son, bolero, merentimba, cha cha cha, guaguanco/timba, balada, salsa romantica, guajira/reggae, hiphop/salsa, pop/cha cha cha, reggaeton mix, salsa/rock, danzón, salsa/socca.

Zró?nicowanie pora?aj?ce :) Tym bardziej zach?cam do zapoznania si? z repertuarem zespo?u!

La Reference Latina:

Compositor, arreglista y Trombonista suizo (Zürich) Martin Richard Lehner, mas conocido como El Zorro nos hace llegar su cuarta producción disografica "Ay, Como Me Sube". Anteriormente habia sacado ya La Vida Entera (2003),Somos Hermanos (2005) y Volando (2007). El Zorro es acompañado en esta grabació´on por la crema de la musica cubana actualmente, entre otros podemos encontrar en esta grabación a los vocalistas ya consagrados Angel Bonne y a Mayito Rivera. En este nuevo trabajo se puede disfrutar de los varios estilos musicales como timba, funky timba, merentimba, balada, guaguanco o bolero, con ademas un remix. Ya esta disponible en las tiendas, un disco Envidia Records, podeis visitar al


Martin Richard Lehner "El Zorro" has released a new cd with lead vocals of angel bonne,Mario "Mayito" Rivera and Roberto Pulido Gonzales.

Click here to listen the samples of this EXCELENT NEW CD.

Massimo djRoger by FicoRicco

E' maturato dopo un viaggio in Cuba e da un incontro, duraturo e costruttivo, con il musicista (trombone) Gustavo Duran Anaya "el Buda", la nascita nel 1995 del Progetto "El Zorro" di Martin Richard Lehner compositore e pianista Svizzero: nel 2003 vede la luce il primo lavoro "La Vida Entera" (La Princesa, La Bomba Soy Yo) con la straordinaria partecipazione di Pascual Matos Aguirre "Sinsote" (E.Reve) e del produttore, bassista Arnaldo Jimenez; 2005 "Somos Hermanos" (Somos Hermanos, Hermana Mia, Gozalo) con la straordinaria partecipazuione della voce Van Van "Mayito Rivera", del promettente giovane musicista che suona il basso ,canta e scrive tal "Aisar Hernadez Segundo" (Dan Den e dal 2007 E.Reve jr) e del grande Ulises Benavides al trombone.

Ma e nel 2007 "Volando" il lavoro che ha consacrato "El Zorro" come un progetto di alta qualita , efficace e di straordinaria potenzialita! molto apprezzato dagli addetti al lavoro grazie sopratutto al sophisticato mix di timba, salsa, son, hip hop, pop, rock, come, oramai consuetudine si avvale della straordinaria voce di Mayito Rivera e della partecipazzione di Angel Bonne (Te Doy Mi Mano, Te Fuiste), Osdalgia ( Lloro, El Zorro) e di Nelson Manuel de la Corte; brani come Volando ed El Zorro sono ancora tra i piu gettonati nelle serate salsere!

2008 si ricomincia: "Ay Como Me Sube" un alto lavoro che sicuramente otterra l'identico successo dei precedenti, ancora un mix riuscitissimo di "world sound" e timba, ancora una volta un mix di artisti cubani di altissimo prestigio e bravura che si alternano e arricchiscono il progetto El Zorro Mayito Rivera (Van Van), Angel Bonne (Pupy ecc), Roberto Pulido (Charanga Forever) ecc. El Fenomeno, Cumpleanno, La Rumba te Llama ...quelli che rimangono in resto scopritelo da voi ...

un disco Ay,Como Me Sube,Raccomandatissimo!!!aaaahi...siii!!

Ueli Abt, Lanbote:

Bei seinem Projekt "El Zorro" mischt Martin Richard Lehner Salsa mit Funk - auf seiner 4. CD noch Konsequenter als zuvor.

So könnten Tower of Power klingen wenn sie Kubaner wären, denkt man an einigen Stellen beim Hören von "Ay, Como Me Sube", dem neuen Album von El Zorro. Stärker noch als bisher infiltriert der Posaunist und Komponist M. R. Lehner in seiner 4. CD Produktion die moderne kubanische Salsa mit Funk. Da soliert die E-Gitarre über einem "funkytimba"-Groove, messerscharfe Bläsersätze wechseln sich mit afrokubanischen Rhythmen ab und beim Cha Cha Cha legt eine Hammondorgel einen Soundteppich. Lehner verzichtet in einigen Stücken sogar auf das Piano - klanglich und rhythmisch bislang eine unverzichtbare Zutat jedes Salsastückes. An dessen Stelle tritt ein Clavinet, was der Musik einen Hauch von Motown-Sound verleiht. Trotzdem deutlich hörbaren nordamerikanischen Einflüssen ist und bleibt Timba Lehners musikalische Basis. Schon auf seinen früheren Zorro-Alben ist zu hören, dass er den kubanischen Stil mitsamt dem ihm innewohnenden musikalischen Erbe von Grund auf verstanden hat.

Timba ist die kubanische Antwort auf die in den 70er-Jahren in New York und Puerto Rico aus mehrheitlich kubanischen Musikstilen enstandene Salsa. Ab Anfang der 90er-Jahre begannen Orchester wie Los Van Van, NG La Banda, Charanga Habanera oder Manolito Y Su Trabuco die Konventionen der Salsa zu lockern. Sie wendeten die stiltypischen Muster weniger strikt an und mischten stattdessen Elemente aus Rock, Pop und Hip-Hop bei. Ihre Musik wurde damit härter und energiegeladener als nicht kubanische Salsa. Was Rhythmus betrifft, schöpfen Kubaner aus einer reichen, letzlich afrikanischen Musiktradition. Ausgerechnet der Kommunimus könnte zudem zu einem innovativen musikalischen Klima auf der Insel beigetragen haben: Orchester, die einmal das Okay von der staatlichen Musikbehörde erhalten und es damit ganz nach oben geschafft haben, sind zwar grosse Stars im Land, was ihnen aber mehr Popularität als materiellen Reichtum einbringt. Sich von der eigenen kubanischen Konkurenz durch Individualität und Innovation abzuheben, wird daher zum wichtigern Motiv, als mit bewährten Rezepten welmarktauglich zu sein.

Melodiöse Ohrwürmer

Auch Lehner sucht die musikalische Innovation. Er pflanzt der Timba nicht nur oberflächlich Funk-Klangfarben auf, sondern verschmilzt die beiden Stile. So entsteht eine neue Form von Timba mit luftiger, relaxter Note. Ausserdem fällt auf, dass Lehners Kompositionen durchs Band weg melodiöser sind als manches Stück aus kubanische Feder. El Zorro ist Tanzmusik, die man sich auch gern abseits der Tanzfläche anhört....



Come sempre Martin Richard Lehner "El Zorro" presenta un prodotto originale e di qualita: Timba, Balada, Bolero, ChaCha e fusion tra Timba e....R&B ( Cuarenta Y Seis ), Funky ( El Fenomeno, Llego Llego ), Merengue ( El Sapo), Rumba-Guaguancoí ( La Rumba Te Llama ), Funky/Reggaeton ( Ay Como Me Sube...che prende spunto da "Me sube la fiebre" della Charanga per svilupparsi in questa interessante mezcla di ritmi ). Insomma undici tracce (piu il rmx di "Ay, como me sube") ballabilissime e di bella qualita. L'album e stato registrato a Cuba e mixato e masterizzato in Svizzera e presenta le voci di Angel Bonne, Mayito Rivera, Roberto Pulido Gonzales. Efficacissima l' orchestra, dove segnalo la tromba solista di Julito Padron. L' album si puo preascoltare (un minuto a brano) sul portale dell' amico Pietro C.

Roberto Rabbi

DJ Pepe:

Salsa Cuban orchestra formed by swiss and cuban musicians. 90 % of the tracks are composed and arranged by Martin Lehner aka El Zorro. This album is plenty of powerful contemporany timbawith Angel Bonne and Mayito Rivera as a guests singers..


El compositor, arreglista y Trombonista suizo (Zürich) Martin Richard Lehner, mas conocido como El Zorro nos hace llegar su cuarta producción disografica "Ay, Como Me Sube". Anteriormente habia sacado ya La Vida Entera (2003), Somos Hermanos (2005) y Volando (2007). El Zorro es acompañado en esta grabación por la crema de la musica cubana actualmente, entre otros podemos encontrar en esta grabación a los vocalistas ya consagrados Angel Bonne y a Mayito Rivera.

DJ Chino

Envidia Records:

El proyecto EL ZORRO, nace en 1995 cuando el suizo Martín Richard Lehner, viaja a Cuba donde conoce a Gustavo "El Buda" (trombonista de este proyecto). Enseguida y debido a las inquietudes musicales de ambos, entablan una amistad que, más adelante, dará origen a este proyecto con el nombre de EL ZORRO. En 2002 surge la idea de grabar un disco con los mejores músicos de Cuba, pero no fue hasta 2003 cuando por primera vez ve la luz el primer disco de EL ZORRO. En 2007 el sello Envidia saca la tercera producción titulada "Volando". Y es ahora cuando se lanza "Ay, como me sube", su cuarta producción de la que forman parte en ella grandes artistas de la talla de Ängel Bonne, Mayito Rivera, Roberto Pulido... Una producción llena de fusiones de música cubana y funky con ritmos contemporáneos.